Lech Lecha 5779

The Alshich: What is the nature of Terach's journey to Canaan, why did he only get as far as Charan, and why is his death recorded 60 years early?

Peshat and drash differ not on who "הפליט" is but rather on why Og is called הפליט. Og, Moshe, and zechut avot in Chazal.

Why does Avraham's encounter with Malki Tzedek interrupt the story of the war between the four and five kings?

Malki Tzedek/Shem and his reward of the mitzvah of Tzitzit for covering Noach.

Why were the Egyptians punished for afflicting the Jews when they were fulfilling G-d's will? The answer lies in Yitro's reaction of "כי בדבר אשר זדו עליהם".