Tefillah Tips - Shema Yisrael XI

"Uchtavtam al Mezuzot Beytecha Uvisharecha - and you shall write them on the doorposts of your houses and upon your gates." This is the final phrase of the first paragraph of Shema.

A mezuzah is fastened to our doors to serve as a constant reminder of many truths. Firstly, that a relationship with G-d, Torah, and Mitzvoth is available at every moment and surrounds us at every level. We are connected through our clothing (tzizith), our bodies (Milah - circumcision), and our homes (mezuzah) to name a few. Secondly that Hashem's Mitzvot and especially Mezuzah protect us. In fact the name of G-d written on the outside of the parchment spells Sha-dai, which is an acronym for Shomer Daltot Yisroel - Guardian of the doors of Israel. The Talmud remarks that human kings post their guards outside while the king dwells comfortably in the palace. Hashem instructs us to live inside the house and He provides protection for us outside. And finally it is the stamp of eternity on our temporal dwelling. Long before the house was built and long after it will be gone existed Hashem Elokaynu Hashem Echad - the Oneness and Uniqueness of G-d.

In the lunar month Elul that we find currently find ourselves in, it is the time honored custom of Jews around the world to check, fix, and if need be replace Mezuzot. We are very careful to purchase Mezuzot from a G-d fearing and knowledgeable scribe that will provide the finest product possible. When redoing the kitchen or the bedroom we get the best we can afford. Mezuzot deserve at least the same standard for the eternity it provides for the home.

When entering and leaving a room with a Mezuzah many pause and place their right hand on the Mezuzah and recite, Hashem Shomrei Hashem Tzili...G-d is my guardian and my shadow...may He watch over me always.

May we utilize and enjoy the mitzvah of Mezuzah. May we appreciate the ongoing love and protection from our Creator. And in the merit of our efforts may all of Israel merit a year of sweetness, blessing, health and greatness.