1,208. Severed Hadassim or Aravos

Hilchos Shofar, Succah v’Lulav 8:5

If the top of a myrtle branch (hadas) has been severed, it is invalid. A hadas remains valid even if most of its leaves fall off, so long as three leaves remain in one row. If there are more berries than leaves on the branch, then if they are green, it is valid; if they are red or black, it is invalid. If one reduced the number of berries (i.e., by plucking them), it is valid. `One may not reduce the number of berries on yom tov because doing so renders the hadas fit for use (which is a prohibited act of labor). If one violated the law and removed the berries on yom tov, or if he removed them one at a time in order to eat them, it is valid.

Hilchos Shofar, Succah v’Lulav 8:6

If the top of a willow branch (arava) is severed, it is valid. If the leaves droop, it is invalid.