1,205. Not Smelling the Hadassim, Not Eating the Esrog

Hilchos Shofar, Succah v’Lulav 7:26

One is not permitted to smell the myrtle (hadas) of the lulav. Since its only useful purpose is to be smelled, and it has been put aside for purposes of the mitzvah, it is prohibited to smell it. One is permitted to smell the esrog because putting it aside for the mitzvah precludes eating it.

Hilchos Shofar, Succah v’Lulav 7:27

One is not permitted to eat the esrog the entire seventh day of Succos (even after performing the mitzvah). Since it was designated for the mitzvah for part of the day, it is considered put aside for the whole day. On the eighth day (Shemini Atzeres), it may be eaten. Nowadays, when yom tov is observed for two days, the esrog is prohibited on the eighth day even though we do not take it on that day. This is because the esrog was prohibited on the eighth day when two days of yom tov were observed of doubt. If a person puts seven esrogim aside, one for each day of Succos, then each of them can be used for the mitzvah on its designated day and eaten on the day after.