1,202. Hoshanos

Hilchos Shofar, Succah v’Lulav 7:20

There is a law that was transmitted to Moshe at Sinai that, in addition to the willow (arava) of the lulav, another willow branch is taken in the Temple. One does not fulfill his obligation with the willow of the lulav. The minimum size necessary to fulfill one’s obligation is one branch with one leaf.

Hilchos Shofar, Succah v’Lulav 7:21

The mitzvah of the willow was performed as follows: On each of the seven days of Succos, willow branches were brought and erected near the altar with their tops bending over the altar. When they brought and arranged them, a series of tekiah, teruah, tekiah was sounded on the shofar. On the Shabbos of Succos, the willows would not be arranged unless the seventh day (Hoshana Rabbah) happened to be Shabbos. If that was the case, then the willows were arranged in order to publicize that it is a mitzvah.