Tefillah Tips - Second Paragraph of Shema II

“Leahava et Hashem …… uliavdo bechol levavechem uvechol nafshechem – And if you serve G-d with all of your hearts and all of your souls…." This next sentence sounds very similar to the opening phrase in the first paragraph of Shema. “And you shall love your G-d with all of your heart, your soul, and your might”. There are two differences between them – 1. that it is in plural and 2. the deletion of the phrase “all of your might “ in Vehaya Im Shamoa.

The commentators explain that the reason why “ all of your might” is not included in “Vehaya Im Shamoa” is directly related to the fact that the passage is speaking to the masses and not to an individual. Our sages point out that whereas a narrow-minded individual may value his possessions more than his life, the Jewish people collectively would never make that error. Therefore when speaking to the individual “all your might” is mentioned and when addressing the masses it is not.

There is a very important lesson to be learned here – the difference between one Jew and Klal Yisrael as a whole. Individuals make mistakes and human beings are prone to error; but the Jewish people as a whole – Klal Yisrael- are eternal invincible. The prophet says it clearly, “ I G-d never change, and the Jewish people will never be destroyed”. Go to any Jewish community and you will find individuals that may be off the mark, but Klal Yisrael are the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We have watched the rise and fall of the Egyptian Greek, Roman, Persian, Russian …… empires while Klal Yisrael keeps dancing around the Bimah with a Torah on Simchat Torah year in and year out.

Rav Schwab zt”l points out a difference between prayer of the heart and prayer of the soul – “bechol levavechem uvechol nafshechem”. He explains Prayers of the Heart” refer to our individual needs for health, sustenance, and success. “Soul Prayer” refers to desires to simply be pleasing in front of our Creator – to give Him nachas – joy. Rav Schwab points out that the last segment of the Amidah – Silent prayer starting with Retzay and going forward (which asks for the restoration of the Temple and the offerings performed there)- is all Tefilla Benefesh – Soul Prayer.

As we recite the full Shema twice a day let us appreciate what it means to be part of an eternal people –Klal Yisrael. May our prayers of the heart and our prayers of the soul be heard and answered soon.