Tefillah Tips - Second Paragraph of Shema VI

"Velimaditem Otam et Benaychem Ledaber Bam Beshivticha - You shall teach your children to speak words of Torah in the home, on the way."

Rashi in Chumash quotes a frightening Sifrei/Midrash on this verse saying, "From the moment a child begins to speak he shall be taught - Torah Tziva Lanu Moshe - Moshe has commanded us to abide by the Torah- if one neglects this opportunity it is tantamount to burying the child.

I can understand that not teaching children Torah early in life is a missed opportunity; but the tone of the Midrash reveals that much more is at stake. Why? So if I don't teach my child "Torah Tziva. .." at two? I'll do it at age four or five! What's the urgency? What is the implication of the verse?

Rav Wolbe shlit"a in his book on child rearing explains there are critical moments in a child's life. If these critical moments are faced with integrity and tradition the results can be outstanding and long lasting. If these moments are ignored and/or wasted they may be lost and buried in history.

Let us compare this idea to ones physical health. If G-d forbid one breaks a bone there is a limited amount of time to reset the bone and begin the healing process. If too much time elapses the opportunity may be lost and the bone may never heal properly again.

As parents and as individuals we must constantly be on the lookout for windows of opportunity to climb through (like the one mentioned in the Midrash). Just as the ladder in Yaakov's dream reaches the heavens, we too need to elevate ourselves and our families rung by rung on our own ladders. A wise person understands when to climb to the next rung.

May we all merit to teach our children and live according to the Torah that Moshe received at Sinai. May we merit taking advantage of critical moments and achieving excellence. May we experience true Yiddishe nachas from our families. Amen.