Tefillah Tips - Second Paragraph of Shema VII

"Lemaan Yirbu Yemaychem Vemay Benaychem al haadamah asher nishbah Hashem laavosychem lases lahem keeymay hashamayim al Haaretz- In order to prolong your days and the days of your children upon the land that Hashem has sworn to them (your ancestors) to give them - like the days of Heaven and earth."

Two questions come to mind when reading these last sentences of Vehaya Im Shamoa.

1) "In order to prolong my days" makes sense; but what is the implication of prolonging the days of my children? They too, please G-d will have their own opportunity to do Mitzvot and receive the appropriate reward. What does it have to do with me?

2) What are "the days of heaven and earth?" I am only familiar with days and nights here on this earth? What is the meaning of "days of heaven and earth?"

Rabbi Shlomo Goldhaber explains in his book Ani Tefilla an insight that will answer both questions. He writes that the difference between our time on this world as opposed to Olam Habah- The world To Come is that in this world we can accomplish, develop, and achieve new heights as we grow and fulfill more and more Mitzvot - commandments of the Torah. Once we leave this world our opportunity to grow, achieve, and develop is over-finished.

There is a famous story of the great Vilna Gaon who was crying on his deathbed. His student asked respectfully, "Rebbe, why are you sad? Don't you realize that you are about to receive an unbelievable reward in heaven in return for your countless deeds of kindness, study of Torah, and performance of Mitzvot?!" The Gaon grabbed the students Tzizit firmly in his hands and cried out, "I am crying because I won't be able to wear these anymore!" The Gaon understood well this lesson that only in this world can we climb and improve.

There is an exception to this rule - if one's children continue to do Mitzvot after they are gone. When one's child is involved in Torah and Mitzvot his/her parents reap rewards in the next world as well.

Now the passage above makes perfect sense. We pray for long life of spiritual success and accomplishment for us AND our children. The result will be that whenever we do leave towards the next world, our time in heaven will be rewarding and uplifting just like we grew and developed in Olam Hazeh - the earthly world- Keeymay Hashamayim al Haaretz- like the days of heaven similar to the days of earth.