Tefillah Tips - Pre-Selichos Tips / Avinu Malkaynu

This coming Motzei Shabbat Ashkenazic Jewry around the world will begin reciting Selichot. Towards the conclusion of each Selichot service, the Tefillah Avinu Malkaynu is said. It is said through Yom Kippur and on fast days throughout the year. The Ark is opened and several of the verses are said responsively by the entire congregation.

Avinu Malkaynu –Specifically as Our Father Our King is how we approach G-d on these Holy Days. What is the significance of calling out to Hashem as both our Father as well as our King?

The Iyun Tefillah explains that until a Jew reaches Bar/Bat Mitzvah their relationship to G-d is purely as a father since they are not yet culpable for wrongdoing. After reaching maturity, G-d is also our King. We pray through both portals – as our Father and as our Ruler.

Rav Baruch Halevy Epstein writes in his work Baruch Sheamar that a King is not able to relinquish his honor and a transgression against a King must be punished. However, since G-d is also our Father, not just our King we are prayerful that we can receive a positive decree from our merciful Father in heaven.

We actually recite the words Avinu Malkaynu every day in the prayer of Ahavah Rabbah the Tefillah that expresses G-d’s incredible love for Israel demonstrated by His giving us the Torah. It is noteworthy that as opposed to a human king that can only be contacted by his inner cabinet and officers. Hashem, the King of all kings is accessible to every one of us whenever we daven.

Both children and parents know that if a child approaches a parent sincerely, humbly and lovingly enough it difficult to say No. It is with this love, humility and awe that we approach our Father and King starting this Saturday night with Selichot.

Shabbat Shalom.

Rabbi Ephraim Epstein