Tefillah Tips - LeDovid Hashem Ori I

As we have crossed the threshold into the month of Elul and have begun the Teshuva process, we have started to recite again Psalm #27 "LeDovid Hashem Ori- G-d is my light." After hearing the blast of the Shofar in the morning and after Maariv each night (ashkenazic custom) we recite this special prayer.

"LeDovid Hashem Ori Veyishi Mimi Irah," Says David, "G-d is my light and salvation why then shall I be afraid?!" The Talmud explains that Ori-light refers to Rosh Hashana - the holiday that alerts us to our Creator and to return to Him - and Yishi - salvation refers to Yom Kippur the holiday that indeed provides assistance, atonement, and thereby salvation. It is therefore fitting to recite these words specifically this time of year when we encounter the holidays mentioned therein.

Rabbi Avraham Ibn Ezra offers two additional explanations to the verse. 1-Light comes to free us from the darkness that haunts us and does not allow us to move freely. Salvation comes even when it is light outside and danger does not seem nearby. 2-Light comes to nurture the spirit and speak to the soul. Salvation comes to protect us physically from our enemies and all harm.

As the New Year approaches Jews worldwide understand clearly that we have two types of enemies that confront us. There are terrorists and Anti-Semites that wish to expel us physically from our land and from this earth. There are also spiritual detractors that we face in our lives day in and day out week in and week out that prevent us from achieving our potential in this world.

Therefore we recite LeDovid Hashem Ori Veyishi - my light and my salvation to remind us that Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur are upon us. And with the help of Hashem we will avoid and conquer all of our physical and spiritual enemies and be awarded a good and sweet year filled with blessings and success.