Tefillah Tips - Mussaf on Shabbat Rosh Chodesh

On Shabbat Rosh Chodesh, we recite a completely different Amidah / Silent personal prayer then we do every other Shabbat. Since Shabbat and Rosh Chodesh coincide so rarely, we should make the most of this special opportunity.

The fourth blessing begins Atoh Yatzarta Olamcha Mikedem Kilita Melachtecha Bayom Hashviyi – Ahavta Otanu…………. You formed the world from its beginning, on the seventh day You rested – You have loved us……………

The two questions I would like to pose are A) Why does this Tefillah of Rosh Chodesh focus on Creation? in addition, B) What is the meaning behind the juxtaposition between On the seventh day You rested, and You loved us?

The Iyun Tefillah explains that since in earlier generations there were those that worshipped the moon as a god or as intermediaries to G-d, as the moon renews itself we specifically declare that it is Hashem and only Hashem that is all powerful to the exclusion of anything and everything else and has created our world.

The Baruch Sheamar states that the reason for the juxtaposition of On the seventh day You rested, and You loved us is to demonstrate the eternal love and relationship between the Creator and us, His creation. After the transgression of the consuming of the forbidden fruit (during the actual week of Creation!), we could be suspect that G-d’s affection for mankind would be lessened. Nothing doing – despite all of the shortcomings and imperfections of humanity – G-d’s love for us is strong and eternal. As the Torah states in Deuteronomy Ki Ahevicha Hashem Elokecha – Because G-d has loved you.

There is no greater feeling then feeling loved. People spend their days, their sweat and their fortunes in order to feel loved. This prayer reminds us that the greatest love possible is already there and has been there for nearly 6000 years. May we merit to feel, appreciate and continuously deserve G-d’s eternal and unconditional love.

Shabbat Shalom Rabbi Ephraim Epstein