Tefillah Tips - Sefirah Tips

As we count the Omer each night we get closer and closer to the anniversary of the receiving of the Torah at Sinai. The word Sefirah not only means counting but refers to a channel of Divine energy or force of an Attribute of G-d. Therefore each night we not only count the number we are up to, but recite and connect to a derivative combination of seven of the Sefirot/ Divine forces in which G-d interacts with the world.

The Baruch Sheamar – Rav Baruch Halevy Epstein asks why is it that on the first night of the Sefirah we count Yom Echad – Day One and not Yom Rishon – First Day. It seems that grammatically it would have been more proper to say Yom Rishon – the First day? It is fascinating to note that in the opening verses of the Torah we see the same language – Vayehi erev…. Yom Echad – It was evening it was morning One day and not Yom Rishon – First day.

The Midrash explains why in the Torah it says Yom Echad – day One – because at the conclusion of day One G-d was all alone in His world until the next day when the angels were created. Therefore the Echad/One is referring to G-d.

Regarding the Yom Echad of the Sefirah Rav Epstein suggests that since the Sadducees wrongly attempted to start the counting of the Sefirah on a Sunday which is referred to as Yom Rishon of the week, the word was switched to Yom Echad - Day One which could apply to any day of the week – Sunday, Monday……..

The Baruch Sheamar advances one final insight as to why the words used are Yom Echad and not Yom Rishon – First day. He states that something can only be the first if there are others that are the second, third, fourth……. On the first day of Creation there was not yet a second or third one and therefore there was only Yom Echad- Day One.

On Shabbat afternoons we recite each week that G-d is One, His name is One and His people Israel are One as well. It is imperative that we strive during the Sefirah period to achieve a oneness as a nation that relates to our Creator who is One. At the conclusion of the Sefirah we arrive at Mt. Sinai to receive the One and only Torah – the Divine gift that has made us a unique and eternal nation. Our strength is dependent on our Oneness. We count Day One which is a Mitzvah from the One Torah from the One G-d above.

Shabbat Shalom and Make the Sefirah count!

Rabbi Ephraim Epstein

*Helpful Hint* Jot down some of the interpretations you learn into the margins of your personal siddur. This will enable you to access and utilize these and other Tefilla tips more easily.

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