1,199. Taking the Lulav After the Temple's Destruction

Hilchos Shofar, Succah v’Lulav 7:14

The enactment not to take the lulav was not applied to the first day of Succos because lulav is a Biblical mitzvah on the first day even outside of Jerusalem. Therefore, the laws applying to the mitzvah on the first day are not the same as they are on the rest of holiday. On the last six days of Succos, one is only obligated to take the lulav in the Temple.

Hilchos Shofar, Succah v’Lulav 7:15

When the Temple was destroyed, the Sages instituted that the lulav should be taken everywhere for all seven days of Succos, in remembrance of the Temple. On each day, one recites the bracha of “al netilas lulav” (that God commanded us to take the lulav) because it a rabbinically-instituted mitzvah. This practice is like the others enacted by Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai when the Temple was destroyed. When the Temple is rebuilt, things will return to the way they originally were.