1,197. An Interposition Regarding the Lulav

Hilchos Shofar, Succah v’Lulav 7:10

One waves the lulav forward and shakes the top of it three times. He brings it back and shakes the top three times. He does likewise when waving it up and down. One waves the lulav during the recitation of Hallel at the first and last recitation of “Hodu LaShem ki tov” and at “Ana Hashem hoshia na.” The lulav may be taken at any point throughout the day; it is not taken at night.

Hilchos Shofar, Succah v’Lulav 7:11

If a person wraps a gold or silver cord or a cloth around the three bound species and then takes them, he fulfills his obligation. Taking the lulav through some other material is still considered to be taking it so long as the other item is one that adds honor and beauty. This is based on the principle that something that adds beauty is not considered to be an interposition. However, if one put the bound species in a vase or a pot and then took them, he would not fulfill his obligation.