Tefillah Tips - Selichot Tips

Vayavor Hashem Al Panav Vayikra Hashem, Hashem Kayl Rachum Vechanun – And Hashem passed by and called out, “G-d, G-d The merciful and gracious…” Jews around the world will be praying these words continuously for the next two weeks until the final prayer of Yom Kippur – Neilah.

These words, The Thirteen Attributes of G-d, are taught by G-d himself to Moshe in Exodus 36:14 after the sin of the Golden Calf. The commentaries explain that this prayer formula that G-d reveals can pierce the heavens and will not be ignored. That is why we recite it over and over again as we work our way towards the Day of Judgment-Yom Kippur.

Besides the translation and the meanings of the thirteen attributes one must develop the correct attitude and frame of mind when reciting this holy prayer. The correct approach is summarized well by the words of King David. It is written in Tehillim “Mah Ashiv Lashem, Kol Tagmuluey Alay – How can I ever repay G-d for all that He has done and does for me”? All the prayers, study, and mitzvoth we perform don’t measure up to the gift of even one breath that G-d allows us to take in His world! Therefore when we daven Selichot, we approach G-d with humility and request His benevolence. We recognize and demonstrate that we depend constantly on G-d’s love and mercy. We rely on His graciousness and not our merits.

At the conclusion of the Selichot we recite Aneynu - a paragraph that lists many of the Jewish leaders of Tanach and refers to the miracles G-d performed on their behalf i.e. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Jonah,…... When saying this prayer one should not only experience awe and wonder contemplating G-d’s mighty acts of the past, but hope and confidence that the same G-d that helped us this far, is not going to stop now.

May we all be blessed with a good and sweet New Year.

Rabbi Ephraim Epstein