1,187. The Obligation to Eat in a Succah

Hilchos Shofar, Succah v’Lulav 6:6

We should eat, drink and sleep in the succah for the entire seven days of the holiday, both by day and by night. It is prohibited to eat a meal outside the succah for all seven days but one may eat a snack that is the volume of an egg, more or less. One may not sleep outside the succah at all, not even a nap. One may drink water and eat fruit outside of a succah but it is praiseworthy not to do so.

Hilchos Shofar, Succah v’Lulav 6:7

Eating in a succah on the first night of Succos is obligatory. One fulfills his obligation if he eats just an olive-sized portion of bread. After that, eating in a succah is voluntary. If one wants to eat a meal, he must do so in the succah but he could also limit himself for the rest of the week to fruit and roasted grain, eating them outside of a succah. The same rules apply as to eating matzah on Passover.