1,189. If It Rains on Succos

Hilchos Shofar, Succah v’Lulav 6:10

If rain falls, one may go into the house. This is permitted when enough rain falls into the succah that it would ruin a cooked dish if it were to fall into it, even a dish of beans. If one was eating in the succah and rain fell, causing him to enter the house, and then the rain stopped, we do not require him to go back to the succah until he has finished eating. If one was sleeping in the succah and rain fell, causing him to enter the house, we do not require him to return to the succah that whole night if the rain stops. In such a case, one may continue sleeping in the house all night until dawn.

Hilchos Shofar, Succah v’Lulav 6:11

One should not disassemble his succah after he finishes eating on the seventh day of Succos, but he may remove his utensils and return them to his house. If he has nowhere to put his utensils (and must therefore continue eating in the succah), he should reduce the succah by at least four handbreadths by four handbreadths (about 12”x12” – in this way, he can eat after Succos in the part that is no longer a valid succah). If he wants to eat again on the last day of Succos, he must eat in the succah because the mitzvah lasts the entire seven days.