1,181. Sunny vs. Shady Portions of the Succah

Hilchos Shofar, Succah v’Lulav 5:19

When schach has open spaces through which the sky can be seen, if the open area is equal to the area that is covered by schach, it is invalid because the sunny part of the succah will exceed the shady part. It is not considered schach if the sunny part exceeds the shady part. If the area covered by schach exceeds the open area, it is valid.

Hilchos Shofar, Succah v’Lulav 5:20

The previous halacha applies when there is no single open area of three handbreadths (about nine inches). If there is an open area of this size, whether it is in the middle or on the side, it is invalid until one reduces the open area to below three handbreadths. If he reduced the space using materials that are unacceptable for use as schach, such as pillows and blankets, it is valid in a large succah. It is not valid in a small succah until the open area is reduced using something that is fit for use as schach. If the shady part of most of the succah exceeds the sunny part, even though the sunny part exceeds the shady part in a smaller portion of the succah, it is valid because overall the shady part exceeds the sunny part.