Celebrating the Life Hashem Gave You (Mishlei 16:4 and 22:2)

(Proverbs 16:4) כל פעל ה' למענהו" - משלי ט"ז:ד" (Proverbs 22:2) עשיר ורש נפגשו עשה כלם ה'" - משלי כב:ב" (Proverbs 29:13) רש ואיש תככים נפגשו מאיר עיני שניהם ה'" - משלי כט:יג"

Nothing in the world is intrinsically useless. To the Conductor of the orchestra every sound is significant.

All, rich and poor, are equal in the eyes of Hashem, this is the reason why everyone contributes exactly the same amount for מחצית השקל.

Every single ability a person is given can be dedicated to Hashem. It's not how much you give, it's how much of what you have you give.

The way to eliminate suffering is by empathizing with others who are suffering.

The lesson of Bikkurim is two-fold - don't be ashamed of your life or your background, they make you who you are but on the other hand, don't allow yourself to become complacent, use the opportunities for growth provided to you.

Delivered at the OU Israel Center, September 2nd, 2018 (22 Elul 5778)

This shiur is sponsored by Mel Krausz David. Please join us at the OU Israel Center in wishing Mel a refuah shleima Menachem Mendel ben Toba Rivka.