1,174. Using Mats as Schach

Hilchos Shofar, Succah v’Lulav 5:5

If one uses arrows as schach, those that are sharpened to a point are valid while those that have a hollow receptacle are invalid. Even though this receptacle will ultimately be filled with iron, they are susceptible to ritual impurity, as is the case with any utensil that has a receptacle.

Hilchos Shofar, Succah v’Lulav 5:6

If a mat made of reeds, raw rubber or hemp is small, we assume that it was made for lying upon. Such a mat may therefore not be used as schach unless it was made specifically for use as such. We assume that a large mat of these materials was made to provide shade. Accordingly, such a mat may be used as schach unless it was explicitly made for lying on. If a mat has a border, then even a large one may not be used for schach because it is considered a receptacle. It may not be used for schach even if the border is removed because then it would be considered a broken utensil.