1,173. Using Food as Schach

Hilchos Shofar, Succah v’Lulav 5:3

If one used food items as schach, it is invalid because they are susceptible to ritual impurity. Fig tree branches containing figs, grape vine shoots containing grapes, date palm branches containing dates and similar such things must be evaluated. If the inedible portion exceeds the fruit, then they may be used as schach. If otherwise, they may not be used. If one made schach out of vegetables that will dry up and wither, leaving nothing of them, then even though they are currently fresh, the space they occupy is considered empty, like they don’t exist.

Hilchos Shofar, Succah v’Lulav 5:4

If one made schach out of flax branches that have not been crushed and combed, it is valid because they’re considered to be wood. Once the flax has been crushed and combed, it may no longer be used for schach because its form is changed and it’s like it’s no longer a product of the ground. One may make schach from ropes of palm, hemp and similar materials because their original form is unchanged and ropes are not considered utensils.