1,169. A Succah Whose Openings Exceed Its Walls

Hilchos Shofar, Succah v’Lulav 4:11

If a person inserts four poles in the four corners of the roof and lays schach over them, it is fit for use as a succah. Since he put the schach over the edge of the roof, we consider the lower walls as if they rise to meet the schach.

Hilchos Shofar, Succah v’Lulav 4:12

A succah with many doors and windows in the walls is fit for use even if the openings exceed the solid portions. This is only true so long as no single opening is larger than ten cubits (about 15’). If there is an opening larger than ten cubits, then the solids portions must exceed the openings even if this opening is built in the shape of a doorway.