1,164. The Size of a Succah

Hilchos Shofar, Succah v’Lulav 4:1

The minimum dimensions of a succah are as follows: its height may not be less than ten handbreadths (approximately 30 inches) nor more than 20 cubits (approximately 30 feet). Its area may not be smaller than seven handbreadths by seven handbreadths (approximately 21”x21”). There is no upper limit to its interior, which could conceivably be miles. A succah that is smaller than ten handbreadths tall, whose area is smaller than seven handbreadths by seven handbreadths, or whose exceeds 20 cubits is invalid, even if the dimensions are off by the smallest amount.

Hilchos Shofar, Succah v’Lulav 4:2

If a succah doesn’t have three walls, it is invalid. If it has two complete walls that are perpendicular to one another in the shape of the letter gamma, it is sufficient to add a third wall that is just over a handbreadth wide (about 3”) and to place it within three handbreadths (about 9”) of one of the other two walls. One must also build the form of an entrance since such a succah doesn’t have three complete walls. As was explained in the law of Shabbos, “the form of an entrance” may consist of a vertical pole on either side and a horizontal pole above them even if they do not touch.