1,163. Malchiyos, Zichronos and Shofros Without Shofar Blowing, and Vice Versa

Hilchos Shofar, Succah v’Lulav 3:12

It would make sense for each sequence of shofar blasts to be blown three times per bracha just as we do for the initial sequence of shofar blasts. However, since we have already satisfied every possible type of shofar blast, there is no need to repeat the sequences in their entirety when blowing in the order of blessings. Rather, it is sufficient to hear one sequence per bracha so that they will hear the shofar blown in the order of blessings. All of this only applies when blowing shofar in a congregation; there is no conventional practice when it comes to an individual blowing shofar. He fulfills his obligation whether he hears the shofar blown in the order of blessings or out of it, sitting or standing.

Hilchos Shofar, Succah v’Lulav 3:13

The brachos of Malchiyos, Zichronos and Shofros do not depend on blowing the shofar and blowing the shofar does not depend on these brachos (i.e., if one of these things cannot be performed for some reason, one is still obligated in the other). Let’s say that there are two cities. It is known that one will have someone to recite the brachos but not to blow the shofar, while there is a doubt regarding the other as to whether there will be someone to blow the shofar. In such a case, one should go the latter city because hearing the shofar blown is a Torah obligation while the brachos are a rabbinic obligation.