1,162. The Order of Shofar Blowing

Hilchos Shofar, Succah v’Lulav 3:10

The common practice for blowing shofar on Rosh Hashana in the service is as follows: the Torah is read and returned, after which the congregation sits. One person stands and recites the bracha that God has commanded us to hear the shofar blown; the congregation responds "amen." He recites the bracha of shehechiyanu and the congregation again responds "amen." Thirty shofar blasts are then sounded in the appropriate sequence. Kaddish is recited, after which the congregation stands and recites musaf. When the leader finishes the fourth bracha, which is Malchiyos, one sequence is blown, comprising a tekiah, three shevarim, teruos and another tekiah. After the fifth bracha, Zichronos, a single sequence of a tekiah, three shevarim and a tekiah is blown. After the sixth bracha, Shofros, a single sequence of a tekiah, teruos and a tekiah is blown. The leader then finishes the prayer service.

Hilchos Shofar, Succah v’Lulav 3:11

The person who sounds the initial 30 shofar blasts also blows shofar in the order of blessings. He may not speak between these different sets of shofar blasts. If he spoke between the sets of shofar blasts, it is a violation but he does not repeat the bracha.