1,160. Hearing Shofar Blown by Multiple People

Hilchos Shofar, Succah v’Lulav 3:6

If someone heard nine shofar blasts being blown by nine different people simultaneously, he has not fulfilled his obligation for even one shofar blast. If he heard a tekiah being blown by one person, a teruah being blown by a second person, then another tekiah being blown by a third person, he fulfills his obligation. The is so even if one hears the shofar blasts with interruptions and even if hearing all the shofar blasts takes the entire day. One does not fulfill his obligation until he hears all nine shofar blasts because they constitute a single mitzvah. Accordingly, they are all interdependent.

Hilchos Shofar, Succah v’Lulav 3:7

The congregation must hear the shofar blasts with the order of blessings, as follows: The prayer leader recites the Amida brachos of Avos, Gevuros, the sanctification of God's Name, and then the Malchiyos (verses about God’s sovereignty), after which the shofar is blown three times. He recites the Zichronos (verses about God remembering), after which the shofar is blown three times. He recites the Shofros (verses about the shofar), after which the shofar is blown three times. The prayer leader then continues with Avodah, thanks and the priestly blessing.