1,158. Different Types of Shofar Blasts

Hilchos Shofar, Succah v’Lulav 3:2

Over the course of time and because of our many exiles, some doubt has arisen regarding exactly what is the teruah mentioned in the Torah. It could be like the wailing of a woman in distress or like the repeated sighs of a person in serious trouble. It might even be a combination of the two - sighing followed by crying! Because of the doubt, we perform all of these.

Hilchos Shofar, Succah v’Lulav 3:3

We call the crying sound teruah and the repeated sighing sound shevarim, of which there are three. Accordingly, the order of blowing shofar is as follows: One recites the bracha and blows a tekiah, three shevarim, a teruah and a tekiah. He does all this three times. Next, one blows a tekiah, three shevarim and a tekiah. He does this three times. Finally, one blows a tekiah, a teruah and a tekiah. He likewise repeats this pattern a total of three times. In this way, we blow a total of thirty shofar blasts, which takes care of any doubts.