Transporting a Torah Scroll
One is not supposed to transport a Torah scroll from its regular location to be used in another location for a single or other temporary use.[1] Indeed, one should not remove a Torah from the synagogue sanctuary even if it is to be used in another room in the building, if this is not normally done. It goes without saying, therefore, that one should not transport a Torah from a synagogue to a private home or campsite for temporary use.
The halachic authorities are especially strict with this halacha of unnecessarily moving a Torah from its designated location. In fact, a makeshift minyan or even a permanent congregation, regardless of its size, is required to travel to where there is a Torah is available rather than to have a Torah brought to them.[2] It is considered disrespectful to take a Torah to those who need it; rather, those who need it should come to the Torah.[3]
A number of authorities permit taking a Torah scroll for use in an auxiliary or concurrent minyan taking place in the immediate vicinity of the synagogue sanctuary, such as the women's section or other nearby location, rather than having them wait for the minyan in the sanctuary to conclude.[4] Other authorities extend this leniency to permit taking a Torah scroll to any room in the synagogue, even for a single use, as long as it remains under the same roof.[5]
It is also customary to exercise leniency and allow transporting Torah scrolls on Simchat Torah in preparation for the day's Torah reading. This is done in order to allow for simultaneous Torah readings to take place so that everyone will have the opportunity to receive an aliya in a timely and efficient manner.[6] In synagogues of the "shtieblach" style, where many rooms in the synagogue conduct services simultaneously, the synagogue should make sure to have an aron kodesh and Torah scroll for each room so that there will not be a need to continually move a Torah from place to place. It goes without saying that one may move a Torah scroll without hesitation in order to satisfy issues of proper storage and security.[7]
Although one will notice that today there are mobile aronot kodesh which are built on wheels, the prohibition of unnecessarily moving a Torah from room to room applies even when the aron kodesh accompanies it.[8] In extenuating circumstances there are a number of authorities who allow one to transport a Torah from place to place on condition that a minyan accompanies the Torah back and forth.[9] Similarly, a regular minyan, which for whatever reason does not currently have their usual Torah scroll, may have one brought to them for even a single use.[10]
It is interesting to note that the Talmud records a custom that on Yom Kippur anyone who had their own personal Torah scroll would bring it to the Beit Hamikdash for reading.[11] Even more interesting was that the intention was not only to be able to read from the Torah but also to allow people to "show off" their personal Torah scrolls. Based on this precedent, there are those who suggest that the prohibition on transporting Torah scrolls applies only to Torahs which belong to a congregation or to the community as a whole but an individual's private Torah scroll is not subject to these restrictions and may be transported as needed.[12] Indeed, a Jewish king was required to write two Torah scrolls for himself, one of which was to accompany him at all times wherever he went.[13]
Much of what was discussed above may not apply if a Torah is taken to a new location and prepared for reading a day or more in advance of the intended usage.[14] So too, a Torah should not be hurriedly returned to its original location after having been used, but rather it should remain in the new location for some time in order to convey a sense of permanence.[15] When a Torah is brought to a new location one is required to ensure that it is handled and stored in an honorable manner even though there is no aron kodesh in which to store it.[16] It is customary to cover a Torah with a tallit whenever it is transported.
There is a widespread custom to ensure that a Torah will be used at least three times in a new location when it must be transported from one place to another.[17] This is because when one intends to use a Torah in a new location three times it is considered to be a "permanent" transfer from the perspective of halacha. Many individuals endeavor to follow this practice with regards to a shiva house where Torahs are routinely brought to be used for the prayer services which take place there. Nevertheless, a Torah may be brought to a shiva house even if it is scheduled to be used less than three times.[18]
Many authorities allow transporting a Torah for even a single use when it is needed for great rabbis and other important people.[19] A Torah should not be transported for a single use for those who are ill or in jail unless there is at least a minyan which is in need of it.[20] In the case of the Torah-mandated reading of parshat zachor, however, it is permitted to bring a Torah to a different location for even that single use.[21] A Torah which was written with the express intention that it be transported as needed is permitted to be used in this manner.[22]
[1] O.C. 135:14, Zohar Vayechi 225:, cited in Piskei Teshuvot 135:23
[2] Yerushalmi Yoma 7:1, Yerushalmi Sota 7:6, Ma'aseh Rav 129
[4] Eretz Tzvi 1:38
[5] Piskei Teshuvot 135 note 139, Minhag Yisrael Torah 135:8
[6] Minhag Yisrael Torah 135:8
[7] Tzitz Eliezer 11:16, Piskei Teshuvot 135:28
[8] Igrot Moshe Y.D. 2:91
[9] Kaf Hachaim 135:74
[10] Piskei Teshuvot 135:27
[12] Kaf Hachaim 135:80, Tzitz Eliezer 18:6, Har Tzvi O.C. 71
[13] Devarim 17:18;Rashi, Sanhedrin 21b
[14] Rema O.C. 135:14
[16] Kaf Hachaim 135:83
[17] Aruch Hashulchan 135:32, Minhag Yisrael Torah 135:7, Rivevot Ephraim 3:95:1
[18] Piskei Teshuvot 135:27, Rivevot Ephraim 5:219
[20] Piskei Teshuvot 135:26
[22] Kaf Hachaim 135:78