1,153. Who May Not Blow Shofar for Whom

Hilchos Shofar, Succah v’Lulav 2:2

One who is not obligated to hear the shofar cannot discharge the mitzvah for one who is so obligated. Therefore, if a woman or a minor blows the shofar, a man who hears it does not fulfill his obligation. One hermaphrodite can blow shofar for another but not for others. A person of indeterminate gender cannot discharge the mitzvah for anyone else because surgery may reveal that he is male or that she is female.

Hilchos Shofar, Succah v’Lulav 2:3

One who is half-servant and half-free cannot perform the mitzvah even for himself because the part of him that is a servant cannot discharge the mitzvah for the part of him that is free. Such a person should fulfill his obligation by hearing a wholly free man blow the shofar.