Laundry on Friday

Courtesy of Ohr Olam Mishnah Berurah

Question: Nowadays when almost every home has a washing machine and dryer, does Ezra’s takanah of not doing laundry on Friday still apply?

Discussion: Contemporary poskim debate whether or not Ezra’s takanah of not doing laundry on Friday is applicable nowadays as well, since doing laundry today is not nearly as time consuming or strenuous as it was in earlier times. Some argue that regardless of the change in circumstances, the idea behind the takanah was to reserve the precious hours of erev Shabbos for the immediate Shabbos needs that cannot be attended to earlier in the week. Since laundry can be done earlier in the week,[1] no laundry should be left for Friday.[2] Some add that even if the laundry is to be done by a non-Jewish maid, it should still not be left for Friday.[3] Many other poskim, however, argue that when dealing with modern day washing machines, it all depends on the time factor, and if one can find the time to do laundry while also properly preparing for Shabbos, he may do so even l’chatchilah.[4] Practically speaking, while it is preferable and praiseworthy to do the laundry before Friday[5] (especially in the short winter months), we cannot deem it a must. Certainly, one who failed to do his laundry before Friday for whatever reason is permitted to do laundry on Friday.[6]

Implied in Ezra’s takanah against doing laundry in Friday is the understanding that one should wear freshly laundered clothing in honor of Shabbos. Thus Mishnah Berurah rules that one should not wear the same garment a number of Shabbosos in a row without laundering it, so as to not violate Ezra’s takanah. Obviously, Mishnah Berurah is referring to garments such as a shirt or undergarments which become soiled or sweaty when worn. Suits or pants which can be worn repeatedly without becoming dirty are not required to be cleaned on a weekly basis.[7]

[1]   Some poskim recommend that laundry be done specifically on Thursday, since that makes it clear that the laundry is being done for the sake of Shabbos. Many other poskim, however, are not particular about this; See Shemiras Shabbos k’Hilchasah 42, note 13, quoting Rav S.Z. Auerbach and Chazon Ovadyah, Shabbos, vol. 1, pg. 23.

[2]   Chut Shani 3:1; Rav Y.S. Elyashiv (quoted in Shabbos Hayom; Ashrei ha-Ish). See also Piskei Teshuvos, vol. 3, pg. 255.

[3] Chut Shani 3:1.

[4]   Ohr l’Tziyon 2:16-1; Shemiras Shabbos k’Hilchasah 42, note 13; Chazon Ovadyah, Shabbos, vol. 1, pg. 24; Shevet ha-Kehasi 2:104-4.

[5]   Rav S.Z. Auerbach (quoted in Shemiras Shabbos K’hilchasah 42, note 13).

[6]   Ben Ish Chai (Lech Lecha 8).

[7]  Ohr l’Tziyon 2:16-2.