1,144. Eating Matzah, Maror and the Korbanos

Please be advised than many details of the Seder as described by the Rambam no longer reflect current practice.

Chometz u’Matzah 8:6

Next, the bracha of netilas yadayim is recited and hands are washed a second time because one’s attention was diverted during the reading of the Haggadah. The leader takes two matzahs, splits one of them, holds the broken half under the whole matzah, and recites the bracha of HaMotzi. The reason we do not recite a blessing on two whole loaves as we do on other holidays is because Deuteronomy 16:3 refers to matzah as “poor bread.” Just as a poor person is accustomed to eating a broken loaf, so should a broken loaf be used for the Seder. Next, the leader folds matzah and maror together, dips it in charoses and recites the bracha that God commanded us regarding the eating of matzah and maror. They are then eaten. If one eats matzah and maror separately, he recites an individual bracha for each of them.

Chometz u’Matzah 8:7

Next, the leader recites the bracha that God commanded us regarding eating the sacrifice, after which he eats from the holiday offering (chagigah). He then recites the bracha that God has commanded us regarding eating the Passover offering. He then eats from the Passover offering. Neither of these two brachos exempts a person from reciting the other bracha.