1,142. The Four(-ish) Questions

Please be advised than many details of the Seder as described by the Rambam no longer reflect current practice.

Chometz u’Matzah 8:2

One begins by reciting the bracha of hoadoma, dipping the vegetable in charoset, and eating an olive-sized portion of it. Each person should not eat less than this volume. Next, the table is removed from before the one who will recite the Haggadah. The second cup of wine is poured and a child asks questions of the one reciting the Haggadah, including: Why is this night different from all other nights? On all other nights, we do not dip even once. On this night, why do we dip twice? On all other nights, we eat chometz or matzah. On this night, why do we eat only matzah? On all other nights, we eat meat roasted, boiled or cooked. On this night, why do we eat only roasted meat? On all other nights, we eat any type of vegetable. On this night, why do we eat bitter herbs? On all other nights, we eat sitting or reclining. On this night, why do we all recline?

Chometz u’Matzah 8:3

Nowadays, we do not ask the question about roasted meat because we do not have the Passover offering. Next, we detail the lowly origins of our people, continuing through the exposition of the passage that starts “An Aramean sought to destroy my father.”