1,140. Charoses

Chometz u’Matzah 7:11

Charoses is a rabbinic mitzvah instituted to commemorate the mortar that our ancestors used to make bricks in Egypt. We take dates, dried figs, raisins or similar things and crush them. We add vinegar and mix them with spices, as mortar is mixed with straw to make bricks. This is placed on the Seder table on Passover night.

Chometz u’Matzah 7:12

Under Torah law, eating maror is not an independent mitzvah in its own right. Rather, it depends upon the Passover offering in that it is one mitzvah to eat the meat of the Passover offering with matzah and maror. It is a rabbinic mitzvah to eat maror by itself on this night even in the absence of the Passover offering.