1,130. Eating Matzah Unintentionally

Chometz u’Matzah 6:3

If person eats matzah without having intention to fulfill the mitzvah, such as if others force him to eat matzah, he nevertheless fulfills the obligation. If a person eats an olive-sized portion of matzah in a state of unawareness, like a fugue state, and he later recovers, he must eat matzah again. This is because he ate the first time while he was in a state that exempted him from the obligation to perform mitzvos.

Chometz u’Matzah 6:4

One only fulfills the obligation to eat matzah using matzah made from one of the five species of grain, as per Deuteronomy 16:3, “Do not eat chometz on it...eat matzah for seven days.” We learn from this that only things that can leaven as chometz may be used for matzah to fulfill the mitzvah. Other things, like rice, millet and pulse, may not be used for the mitzvah of matzah because they don’t leaven.