Shabbat: V-W (Videotaping, Walking, Water)


Being Videotaped by a Jew

You may not be videotaped by a Jew on Shabbat even if it is not for your benefit, but there is no need to cover your face. If there is danger (for example, the town of Efrat in Israel has video monitoring 24/7), it is permissible to be videotaped. You should avoid appearing on a monitor on Shabbat, but being recorded is not prohibited.


Walking in Long Grass

You may walk on long grass on Shabbat unless by doing so you will definitely tear off some grass.

Walking on Sand or Soil

You may walk on sand or soil on Shabbat.


Dangling Legs

On Shabbat, you may dangle your feet or legs into a pool (or other body) of water up to whatever garment you are wearing. However, you may not let the garment get wet.


Filtering Potable Water on Shabbat

You may use a non-electrical water filter on Shabbat. The water must be potable before filtering.


Waste Water

On Shabbat, do not pour waste water onto any area where plants can grow.


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