1,127. Kashering Utensils for Pesach

Chometz u’Matzah 5:23

Regarding utensils of metal and stone, like pots, in which chometz was boiled, these are kashered by putting them inside a larger utensil, covering them with water and then boiling the water with them inside until they expel whatever chometz they may have absorbed. They are then washed in cold water, after which they may be used for matzah. The blades and handles of knives should likewise be boiled in this manner, after which they may be used for matzah.

Chometz u’Matzah 5:24

Utensils of metal, stone and wood like bowls or cups (from which chometz was served but not cooked) are kashered by putting them in a large vessel and pouring boiling water over them. They are left in this vessel until they expel whatever chometz they may have absorbed. After this, they are washed and they may then be used for matzah.