1,124. Soaking Bran for Chicken Feed on Pesach

Chometz u’Matzah 5:17

We are not permitted to soak bran in water for use as chicken feed out of concern that it may leaven. We may, however, boil bran for chicken feed, though most people have accepted the practice not to do so out of concern that the water may not be completely boiled.

Chometz u’Matzah 5:18

One may prepare bran or flour in water for use as chicken feed so long as the chickens are fed immediately. If one puts the feed in front of them, he must stand over them to ensure that the food does not remain longer than it takes one to walk a mil (a little more than half a mile). As long as the chickens are pecking at it or the person is turning it by hand, it will not leaven. Once the chickens have finished eating, one rinses the vessel in which it was served with water, which he then pours out in a place that slopes downward.