1,119. Finding Grain in a Cooked Dish

Chometz u’Matzah 5:7

On Passover, one may stir kernels of wheat in water in order to remove the bran and then immediately grind them as one does when making fine flour. However, the universally-accepted practice in Babylonia, Israel, Spain and the western lands is not to stir wheat in water out of concern that it may come to be neglected and will leaven.

Chometz u’Matzah 5:8

If a dish was cooked and barley or wheat was found in it, then if the kernels have opened, the food is prohibited because chometz has been mixed in it. If the kernels have not opened, they must be removed and burned but the rest of the dish may be eaten. This is because grain that was stirred in water without opening is not prohibited by Torah law, but rather rabbinically.