1,118. Roasted Grain Flour

Chometz u’Matzah 5:5

Roasted grain that was singed in fire and ground into flour may not be cooked with water out of concern that it may not have not been thoroughly roasted and may leaven when cooked. Similarly, when preparing new pots, one may not cook anything in them aside from matzah that was baked and ground into flour. One may not do so with roasted flour out of concern that it may not be thoroughly roasted and may leaven.

Chometz u’Matzah 5:6

On Passover, one may not stir barley in water because it is soft and leavens quickly. If one did stir it and it softened to such an extent that the kernels would open if placed at the opening of the pan in which loaves are normally baked, it is prohibited. If it is not yet this soft, it is permitted.