1,117. Cooking Flour on Pesach

Chometz u’Matzah 5:3

One may not cook wheat or flour in water on Passover, for example, cracked wheat or balls of dough. If one cooks these things, they are completely chometz provided that the kernels open. One may not fry dough (made with water) in oil but one may cook a matzah loaf or roasted flour. If one boiled water and subsequently put flour in it, it is permitted because it is cooked instantly, before it could leaven. However, the accepted practice in Babylonia, Spain and throughout the west is to prohibit it out of a concern that the water may not be sufficiently boiled.

Chometz u’Matzah 5:4

It is permitted to cook grain or flour in fruit juice. Therefore, dough that was kneaded or cooked with fruit juice, or fried with oil is permitted, because fruit juice does not cause leavening.