1,116. What Is and Isn't Chometz

Chometz u’Matzah 5:1

The prohibition against chometz only applies to the five species of grain: wheat, rye, barley, oats and spelt. Kitniyos such as rice, millet, beans, lentils etc., do not become leavened. If one kneads rice flour or something similar with boiling water and covers it with a cloth until it rises like leavened dough, it may be eaten on Passover (according to Sefardic tradition). This is not leavening, merely decay.

Chometz u’Matzah 5:2

Regarding the five species of grain, if they are kneaded with fruit juice to the exclusion of water, they will never leaven. Even if flour is soaked in juice all day until it rises, it may be eaten on Passover. Again, this is not leavening, merely decay. “Fruit juice” includes wine, milk, honey, olive oil, apple juice, pomegranate juice and any similar wines, oils or beverages. This only applies if no water at all has been mixed with them. If there is any water in the mixture, they cause leavening.