1,113. Conditional Transfer of Chometz

Chometz u’Matzah 4:7

Continuing the case from halacha 4:6, the Jew may tell the non-Jew to purchase a large amount of chometz rather than a small amount, and to buy from him rather than from another non-Jew, dangling the possibility that he may buy chometz back from the non-Jew after Passover. He may not, however, sell or give the chometz to the non-Jew conditionally. If he does, he violates the prohibitions against seeing and possessing chometz over Passover.

Chometz u’Matzah 4:8

If someone possesses a mixture containing chometz, he violates the prohibition against seeing and possessing chometz. Examples include pickle brine, kotach (a dish of milk and bread), and Median beer, all of which contain flour. Something that contains a mixture of chometz but that is not fit to be eat may be possessed over Passover.