1,111. A Jew Watching a Non-Jew's Chometz Over Pesach

Chometz u’Matzah 4:3

If a non-Jew entrusts his chometz to a Jew and the Jew takes responsibility to pay for the chometz should it be lost or stolen, then he must destroy it. Since he takes responsibility for it, it is considered as if it were his. If the Jew does not take responsibility for it, he may keep it in his possession and even eat from it after Passover because it belongs to the non-Jew.

Chometz u’Matzah 4:4

If a non-Jew who is known to impose his will upon others entrusts his chometz to a Jew and the Jew knows that if it is lost or stolen the non-Jew will make him pay for it even though he never took responsibility for it, he must destroy it. It is considered his because the non-Jew holds him responsible for it.