1,106. If One Neglected to Search for Chometz on Time

Chometz u’Matzah 3:4

If one has many loaves of terumah that must be burned on Friday, he may not mix the ritually pure and impure loaves, burning them together. Rather, one burns the ritually pure and impure loaves separately. The loaves whose status is in doubt are also burned separately. One should leave enough – but not too much - of the ritually pure loaves to eat on Shabbos through the fourth hour of the day.

Chometz u’Matzah 3:5

One who neglected to search on the night of 14 Nisan, whether by accident or on purpose, searches on the morning of 14 Nisan. If one does not search then, he searches at the time of destroying chometz. If he still hasn’t searched by then, he should search during the course of the holiday. If the holiday passes without him searching, he should search afterwards in order to destroy whatever chometz he may find that he possessed over Passover since one is not permitted to benefit from it.