1,105. The Chometz One Plans to Eat After the Search

Chometz u’Matzah 3:2

The chometz that is put aside on the night of 14 Nisan to be eaten the next day through the fourth hour of the day should not be spread out hither and yon. Rather, it should be put in a container or in a designated corner. Precaution should be taken because if some of this chometz is found to be missing, one would have to look for it, searching the house a second time, because mice might have taken it.

Chometz u’Matzah 3:3

When 14 Nisan falls on Shabbos, we search for chometz on the night before, i.e., that of 13 Nisan. We put chometz aside to eat through the fourth hour of the day on Shabbos; the rest should be destroyed before Shabbos. If some chometz should happen to remain after the fourth hour on Shabbos, one should nullify it and cover it with a vessel until after the first days of yom tov, at which point he destroys it.