1,104. Leaving Town Before Pesach

Chometz u’Matzah 2:19

If a person leaves on an ocean voyage or departs with a caravan within 30 days of Passover, he must search for chometz before he goes. If he leaves more than 30 days before Passover, he need not search. If he plans to return before Passover, then he must search before he leaves. This is because we are concerned that one may be delayed and return on the day before Passover at nightfall, leaving him with no opportunity to destroy his chometz. If one does not plan to return, he does not have to search. Similarly, if a person turns his house into a warehouse within 30 days of Passover, he must search first and then bring in the merchandise that he wants to store there. More than 30 days before Passover, if he plans to remove the merchandise before Passover, he must search before bringing in the merchandise. If he does not plan to remove the merchandise before Passover, he need not search.

Chometz u’Matzah 3:1

When one searches on the night of 14 Nisan, he should remove the chometz from holes, hidden places and corners, gathering it all in one place until the start of the sixth hour of the day, at which time he destroys it. If one wants to destroy his chometz on the night of 14 Nisan, he may do so.