1,103. Searching a Rented House

Chometz u’Matzah 2:17

If someone rents out a house on 14 Nisan, it may be assumed that it has been searched and the tenant need not do so. If there’s reason to assume that the one who rented it out didn’t search it but a woman or a child says, “We searched it,” we accept their word. This is because everyone is believed when it comes to destroying chometz. Anyone is able to search for chometz, including women, servants and children, though this is limited to children who have enough understanding to be able to search.

Chometz u’Matzah 2:18

Let’s say that one person rents a house to another. If 14 Nisan falls before the owner hands over the keys, the landlord must search the house for chometz. If 14 Nisan falls after the keys are handed over, the tenant must search the house. If a house is rented under the assumption that it has already been searched but it is discovered that such is not in fact the case, the tenant must search the house and he cannot void the rental agreement as being based on false premises. This is true even in a place where the practice is to hire people to search for him because, expense notwithstanding, the tenant is performing a mitzvah.