1,100. More Cases of Doubt

Chometz u’Matzah 2:11

Let’s say that there were two piles, one that is chometz and one that is matzah, and two houses, one that was already searched and one that wasn’t. Now let’s say that two mice came. One of them took chometz and the other took matzah and we don’t know which house was entered by the mouse carrying chometz. Similarly, let’s say that there were two houses that had both already been searched and a pile of chometz was in front of them them. A mouse took some of that chometz and entered one of the houses but we don’t know which. Another variable: we know which house the mouse entered, someone followed it and searched but he didn’t find anything, or he searched and found bread. One more scenario: there were nine piles of matzah and one pile of chometz. A piece got separated from the piles and we don’t know if it was chometz or matzah, then a mouse took that piece and entered a house that was already searched. In all of these cases, it is not necessary to search again because the doubt is not about something that is established (as it is in the case in 2:10).

Chometz u’Matzah 2:12

If person put chometz in one corner and found it in another corner, or if he put nine pieces aside and found ten pieces, or if a mouse took the chometz and there is a doubt whether or not he entered the house, in all of these cases one must search the house again.