1,098. Weasels and Mice Dragging Chometz From Place to Place

Chometz u’Matzah 2:7

We are not concerned that a weasel may have dragged chometz into a place where it is not typically brought. If we were to be concerned about chometz being dragged from house to house, we would also have to be worried about it being dragged from city to city. There would be no end to the possibilities. If a person searched for chometz on the night of 14 Nisan and put aside ten pieces of chometz, later finding only nine, he then has reason to be concerned and he must search his home again. In this instance, the chometz was certainly taken by a weasel or a mouse.

Chometz u’Matzah 2:8

If, after a person searched, he saw a mouse enter the house with chometz in its mouth, he must search again. This is true even if he found crumbs in the middle of the house because we do not assume that the mouse ate the bread in this spot and these are the crumbs. Rather, we must be concerned that the mouse left the bread in a hole or a window and that these crumbs were there before. Accordingly, one must search again in such a case. If he doesn’t find anything, he must search the entire house. If he finds the piece of bread that the mouse brought in, he can stop searching.