1,096. Searching for Chometz

Chometz u’Matzah 2:3

By rabbinic enactment, we search for chometz in hidden places and holes, to find and remove it from our domains. Similarly, the Sages enacted that we must search by candlelight, at night at the beginning of 14 Nisan. This is because everyone is home at night and candlelight is good for searching. One should not schedule a Torah-study session for the end of the day on 13 Nisan, nor should a wise person start learning at this time out of concern that he will become immersed in his studies and be prevented from searching for chometz at the start of the time.

Chometz u’Matzah 2:4

We do not search for chometz by moonlight, sunlight or a torch, only by candlelight. This only applies to one’s holes and hidden places. When it comes to a well-lit porch, searching by sunlight is sufficient. The middle of a courtyard does not need to be searched because birds frequent it and they will eat any chometz that is dropped there.